After the exotic visits of Pheasants and Goldfinches last month, the residents have been re-asserting themselves recently. The Goldfinches were around for most of November, albeit in steadily decreasing numbers - and they never quite got to grips with the Nijer seed feeder!

Oddly the House Sparrows, although every bit as numerous, haven't attacked the seed feeders with their usual vigour. So much so, that the Dunnocks, who usually content themselves with picking up what the Sparrows drop on the grass, have taken to going onto the feeders themselves. Although the Dunnock is apparently strongly territorial, we have often seen as many as three Dunnocks feeding together.

Robins, Coaltits, Bluetits and Great Tits have also been around on a regular basis, and we had brief visits from a Collared Dove and a Great Spotted Woodpecker. Still no pictures of the latter though, I'm afraid.

November 2003