By the time got out of Stavanger, the seas were getting lively - it was interesting seeing the pilot getting off the ship onto the small vessel holding station alongside.

Thursday evening was supposed to be a formal affair but, in view of the weather, was downgraded to a 'come as you please' evening. In the event less than half of the ship's complement turned out for dinner. The meal was duly served, to the accompaniment of crashing crockery and we all soon decided that bed was the safest place to be. The storm continued through the night and, although it had eased a little by morning, we were still trying to proceed southwards beam-on to a westerly gale so the ship was rolling heavily and a few people were tipped out of their chairs at breakfast by what the captain described as a 'rogue wave'.

All day we were accompanied by Fulmars, using the rough sea to demonstrate their dynamic soaring skills. Unfortunately, the motion of the ship made it impossible to get a good picture, but there is a bird in the middle of the picture below left. Soon though, the sun had come out and the sea had changed colour dramatically. Although the sea moderated a little during the day, we were glad when it was time to go to bed - exhausted by the effort of sitting in a chair all day!

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